VMR: Using the Modules

Power and Solo Modes
Each Slot processing can be bypassed and soloed.

To bypass the processing of a Slot, press the yellow power button in the left of the Slot Header.

Solo works following two modes of operations:

  1. Simple Click on a Solo Button: this will Solo this Slot and this Slot only (called the XOR Mode).
  2. Cmd/Ctrl Click on a Solo Button: this will add/remove this Slot in the current solo group (called Group Mode).

The Solo buttons operate with the same kind of logic as the Library Filters buttons do.

Loading a Preset
Each Slot embeds a light preset engine which allows you to Save and Load presets for individual Modules.

Automation View
Even though Automation is not a central feature or asset of the VMR System, it can still be very useful for some kinds of processors and situations.

With the Virtual Mix Rack, the Rack is the plugin, hence why the parameters the host sees are the ones from the VMR Plugin, not the ones from the Modules that are loaded inside.

Except for a few plugin formats/ host combinations, it is impossible to dynamically rename or change what a parameter is within the plugin host. That is why the Virtual Mix Rack Plugin must declare a set of generically named parameters during its creation.

When a Module is loaded into a Slot, its parameters are automatically mapped to the parameters the Rack exposes for this specific Slot. Those parameters, named SlotXParamY are the ones you see and edit when doing Automations within the host.

For an easier handling of Automation, the Virtual Mix Rack has a special panel, dedicated to Automation Display.

You can access this panel by clicking on the Slot letter in each Slot.


This will show a panel that is quite self-explanatory. Click anywhere outside the panel to dismiss it.

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