FG-X & FGX 2 Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I'm an owner of FG-X Virtual Mastering Console, is there an upgrade option to FG-X 2?
A: As stated on our website, FG-X 2 is free for all FG-X owners. Simply download FG-X 2 from our installers page and make sure your original FG-X license is activated to a supported activation location to begin using it. 


Q: Does FG-X 2 replace FG-X in my sessions? What if I need to recall FG-X plugin settings from an older session?
A: FG-X 2 does not replace FG-X in your sessions, as it is an entirely brand new plug-in. In fact, both plugins can be used in your projects independently from one another. 

Q: What are the supported plugin formats for both FG-X and FG-X 2?
A: The original FG-X is available in AAX, VST2, and AU (32bit/64bit) formats. Universal binaries are not available for FG-X. FG-X 2 offers support for AU, VST2, VST3, and AAX plugin formats with universal binaries (x64 / arm).

Q: My FG-X license is activated to a blue iLOK 1 dongle. Can I use this for FG-X 2?

A: No. FG-X 2 requires a 2nd generation or 3rd generation iLOK dongle in order to be authorized. To view the visual differences between iLOK dongles, please see the following article:

First Generation iLok vs. Second and Third Generation iLoks

Q: Where can I purchase a supported iLOK dongle?
A: iLOK dongles should be available for purchase at any major Pro Audio reseller. We've provided some links below for USA customers. Please contact iLOK Support for information about official resellers specific to your location.  Please note, both USB-A and USB-C iLOK 3 dongles are supported. 

Amazon: https://a.co/d/dkY5xxp
Vintage King: https://vintageking.com/avid-pace-ilok-usb-c 
Westlake: https://westlakepro.com/product/pace-ilok-3/
B&H: https://www.bhphotovideo.com/
Guitar Center: https://www.guitarcenter.com/Pace/iLok-3-1500000034108.gc 

Q: I'm using Cubase 12 Pro on a computer with an Apple Silicon processor (M1 or M2 chip). Can I get FG-X working with this configuration? I have older projects I need to recall plugin settings for. 
A: If you need to recall an old session that uses FG-X, you will need to open Cubase 12 Pro in "Rosetta mode". This is because Steinberg has dropped VST2 support for Apple Silicon Processors (M1, M2 chips). More information here:



Q: Is FG-X a discontinued product? Is it no longer supported? 
A: Yes, as shown on our Legacy Products page, FG-X is no longer a supported product. Fore more information regarding this, please review the following article from our knowledge base:

- FG-X Virtual Mastering Console End Of Support (November 25th 2022)

Q: How do I move my FG-X license from my iLOK 1 dongle to a new dongle?
A: In order to move your FG-X license to a new iLOK dongle, you will need to have your old dongle plugged into your computer. Click on the iLOK dongle icon on the left of the manager window in order to view the licenses on your iLOK. Locate the FG-X Virtual Mastering Console license. Right-click to open a menu, and select "Deactivate". Click OK to continue. Now locate your license within the "available" tab of the iLOK License Manager app. If you don't see the tab at first, you will need to expand the app window in order for it to show. Using the right click menu, the license can now be activated to your new iLOK dongle. Make sure you have it plugged into your machine. 


If you have further questions, please submit a support ticket.  

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