How to utilize Mix Link with your VRS8s

The Mix Link feature on the VRS8 is used when using 2 or more units for the purposes of mirroring the main outputs (Out 1-2) from your 1st VRS8 (Device 2) to the first set of outputs on your 2nd VRS8 (Device 2). 

Physical VRS8 Setup:

To utilize Mix Link a 1/4" (3.5mm) to 1/4" (3.5mm) aux cable is needed.

Connect one end of the aux cable to the Mix Link Out of your 1st VRS8 (Device 1), then connect the other end to the Mix Link In of your 2nd VRS8 (Device 2).


VRS8 Panel Setup:

Disable Mix Link on Device 1, and enable Mix Link on Device 2.



Note: This process can be done in reverse if you'd like to send the 1st set of outputs on Device 2 to your Main Out 1-2 on Device 1.

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