How does the quota system work?
With your All Access Pass you are given 3 free masters per month, this counter resets every month.
The quota system is based on your All Access Pass monthly cycle:
If you start your subscription on Feb 22, 2023 for example, you will be able to do 3 masters freely until Mar 22, 2023 then counter will reset to 3, and you can do 3 new masters until Apr 22, 2023 and so on
What if I want to do more than 3 masters in a month?
If you master a lot and need to do more than 3 masters per month, then you need to activate the “Pay Per Use” feature(see below). Every additional master (above quota) will cost $2.99
If I have not made my 3 masters in the first month, do they rollover to the next month?
No, we allow 3 masters per month. If you do not use them, they do not roll over to the next month, and the quota resets every month to 3.
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