How to use ML-2 (Classic Instruments) microphone emulations with MetaTune

If you have an ML-1 or ML-2 and use MetaTune (or any other automatic tuner), you may wonder where MetaTune and the VMS emulations should be in your signal flow. This depends on your desired tuning effect.

If you're using MetaTune (or any other automatic tuner) with a retune speed of 20ms-40ms or lower, it's okay to insert MetaTune before your VMS emulation, as you're likely not encountering any tuning artifacts, like pitch warbles or quick note snaps. 


If you're using MetaTune (or any other automatic tuner) with a retune speed of 20ms-40ms or higher, you'll want to insert MetaTune after your VMS emulation, as retune speeds faster than 20ms-40ms tend to induce tuning artifacts, which isn't recommended before our microphone emulations.Screen_Shot_2021-11-17_at_10.59.42_AM.png

Overall the order of emulation and tuning inserts depends highly on how hard the tuning is working. The more subtle the tuning is being applied, with minimal tuning artifacts would indicate that tuning can before the microphone emulation. However when you're heavily tuning a source, specifically looking for a robotic type tone, the microphone emulation should be used before tuning, as these types of tuning artifacts will affect the accuracy of the microphone emulations. 

With retune speeds in between 20ms-40ms the processing order should be at your discretion. Again, if you're not hearing any tuning artifacts, it's okay to tune before the microphone emulation, but if you're hearing these artifacts and want the microphone emulation to be accurate, the microphone emulations should come first, so the tuning artifacts don't affect the emulations. If you're not sure, it's always safe to tune after the microphone emulation.

If you have any further questions, please contact support

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